My Peace (Single)
From Here Come The Kids (2014)
Recorded Live at the Old Town School of Folk Music
My Peace
Words by Woody Guthrie, Music by Arlo Guthrie
© 2003 by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. (BMI) & Arloco Music (ASCAP)
My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you
My peace is all I ever had that’s all I ever knew
I give my peace to green and black and red and white and blue
My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you
My peace, my peace is all I’ve got and all I've ever known
My peace is worth a thousand times more than anything I own
I pass my peace around and about ‘cross hands of every hue;
I guess my peace is justa ‘bout all I’ve got to give to you
Cover Art by Woody Guthrie - used with permission from Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc.